Reese Williams has volunteered for the evening shift at the Shelter for 3 years!
Getting to know you… . “I am a Congressional Flight Attendant with the US Air Force–our primary client is the First Lady of the USA, but we also serve Speaker of the House, Congressmen, Diplomats and Attaches.”
- Has visited a total of 182 countries in the world
- Has three pitbulls as pets
- Speaks French, Spanish, English and “can get by” in Italian
Why volunteer at the Falls Church Homeless Shelter? “It’s a small way of giving back to the community and letting the shelter guests know that there are people there to help them get back on their feet.”
What is your favorite thing about working with the Shelter? “I get really happy when I find out that people have either gotten back on their feet, or have at least found a job.”
What do you wish other people knew about homelessness or the Shelter? “That many people work full time jobs, but making minimum wages, they may not be able to afford living in this particular area.”
Thanks for all you do, Reese!